At GreenChem Industries, we understand the significant role we play in the global chemical distribution chain and the responsibility that comes with it. This unique position gives us the opportunity to promote sustainability across the industry. We are committed to protecting the environment, ensuring safety, and maintaining a responsible supply chain in everything we do. These values are woven into how we engage with our employees, partners, customers, and the communities we serve, influencing our decisions and driving our success. Our mission is to keep evolving our sustainability efforts to make a meaningful, lasting impact on the industry and beyond.

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As a member of the Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD), GreenChem Industries and its senior management are committed to continuous improvement in responsible management safety, handling, transportation, and the disposal of chemicals. We pledge to operate our business according to these principles and to review them in compliance with Responsible Distribution® on an annual basis. As a part of GreenChem’s commitment to the principles of Responsible Distribution® and the protection of Public Safety and Health, our company asks the organizations who use and resell our products to comply with best practices of the chemical distribution industry.

Certificates and Recognitions

Logo-ICIS Logo-SFBJ Logo-EPCA Logo-RSPO Logo-Inc5000 Logo-nacd Logo-U.S
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GreenChem Industries is proud to have been awarded the EcoVadis Silver Medal, recognizing our strong commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices. This prestigious recognition places us among the top-rated companies worldwide for our dedication to environmental stewardship, ethical conduct, and operational transparency. Achieving this milestone reflects our continuous efforts to integrate sustainable practices across all aspects of our operations, reinforcing our commitment to making a positive impact on the industry and the environment. We’re excited to keep pushing forward on our journey toward even greater sustainability and corporate responsibility.

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